
About the Workman

Who are you and where do you come from? My name is Colin Adams. I am married to Nicki, and have four children: Glen (8), Rebekah (6), Grace (4) and Beth (1 1/2 years). I originally hail from Glasgow but lived in Edinburgh for 6 years before moving to Northern Ireland in 2009.


What do you do? I am the pastor of Ballymoney Baptist Church, Northern Ireland. For six years I had the privilege of serving as an Associate Pastor with Charlotte Baptist Chapel in Edinburgh.  Before coming to Edinburgh I studied theology for four years at International Christian College in Glasgow.

What do you believe? Not less than the UCCF statement of faith, but in fuller terms, probably something more like the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. Most essentially: I believe in a personal, Triune, Creator God; a fallen humanity; that Jesus died for sinners (to bear their condemnation and endure their judgement), yet was raised to life, appearing to many witnesses; and that Jesus will one day return to earth again. If all this is new to you, read this.

Why this blog? There are several preaching-blogs that I already appreciate (see my links). Nonetheless there is still fairly little blogging being done relative to such an important task as preaching. I hope Unashamed Workman will help fill in this gap. Personally, this is a space for me to think through how I can be a “workman” who is not ashamed, one who “correctly handles the word of truth.” Let me underscore that I speak as a student and learner of preaching, not as a teacher and expert!

Can I be contacted? Feel free to communicate through the posts, or alternatively drop me an email:  ballymoneypastor@gmail.com

I can’t promise to always respond but I do try.

Whitefield’s prayer for preachers:

“Yea…that we shall see the great Head of the Church once more . . . raise up unto Himself certain young men whom He may use in this glorious employ. And what manner of men will they be? Men mighty in the Scriptures, their lives dominated by a sense of the greatness, the majesty and holiness of God, and their minds and hearts aglow with the great truths of the doctrines of grace. They will be men who have learned what it is to die to self, to human aims and personal ambitions; men who are willing to be ‘fools for Christ’s sake’, who will bear reproach and falsehood, who will labor and suffer, and whose supreme desire will be, not to gain earth’s accolades, but to win the Master’s approbation when they appear before His awesome judgment seat. They will be men who will preach with broken hearts and tear-filled eyes, and upon whose ministries God will grant an extraordinary effusion of the Holy Spirit, and who will witness ‘signs and wonders following’ in the transformation of multitudes of human lives.”


  1. “Daily posting began on January 1st 2007.”

    And here it is, January 22nd 2007, and “Unashamed Workman” is already Challies’ “King for a Week”! Well spotted on Challies’ part, and well deserved, too.

    It seemed fitting that the comment thread to the “Blog Format” page should record this event…

    David Reimer

  2. The quote attributed to John Stott is a puzzle.
    Karl Barth has been quoted as saying: newspaper on one hand, bible in other: is needed. Please calrify who said what and cite reference please.

  3. […] a special eye for things preacher’s might appreciate. If you are new to Unashamed Workman, read here an explanation of the blog […]

  4. happy birthday to you…happy birthday to you. Hope you both have a lovely evening.

    Excellent blog
    very proud of you

    Mum xx

  5. Colin,

    If you like good expository preaching, you should check out the best Bob Jones University has to offer: my pastor of almost 10 years, Mark Minnick. He preaches sequentially through books. His series on Ephesians, encompassing my undergrad years, was one of the greatest thrills of my spiritual life.



  6. Hi Colin,

    I just came across your blog. I’m glad to see a British blog dedicated to good preaching! I’d love you to take a look at the new blog I’ve recently started and consider adding it to your list of Blogs for Preachers. I am co-authoring the blog with a great young preacher from Portland, OR, Mike Roth. We are posting articles on applied homiletical theory, aspects of delivery, discussions of how to preach specific Biblical texts and preaching book reviews. If you’re interested, the blog should explain all about us and the content.


    Keep up the good work brother!

    Peter Mead

  7. Now I’ve found your site I’ll be back!

    Only one question – why haven’t you asked your ten questions to PG? Do the emails take too long to return or something?


  8. That’s a great point John. I’ll need to get round to that!

  9. great site brother god bless you i enjoyed reading every bit of it and passing on the site to friends

  10. This a very nice blog. Lots of good links, etc. I will be back again.

  11. Colin, I really appreciate your blog and, especially, the 10 questions asked of various pastors. I would suggest my pastor, Dr. Charles (Bobby) Holt, as someone to answer those questions. You can listen to many of his sermons on our church website, http://www.vgbc.org. If you like his expository style, then contact him through the website and ask away! Our church is Vista Grande Baptists Church in Colorado Springs, CO.

  12. Hi. Nice to meet you. I am listening to your post from Mark Driscoll.

  13. You’ve a new regular visitor to the blog brother. This is an superb resource that I as a pastor will be frequenting.

  14. Just came across your blog in the last couple of days and really enjoy your posts. This is a great resource !

  15. C’mon Colin, we want Driscoll!

    (10 Questions – Mark Driscoll … it’s not complicated!?)

  16. Hey John, nice to hear from you – even IF you are goading me! 🙂 Believe it or not, I actually put the questions in Driscoll’s hand when he was over here. He’s kind of busy though, so I’d be surprised if they’re ever returned….

    How’s Australia…..?

  17. Sydney is great – so far it has rained more than Edinburgh… and it supposed ot be Summer here.

    Ministry is … great fun, hard work, challenging, rewarding … ministry basically.

  18. Hello Brother,
    I read your blog regularly and have found it to be challenging, encouraging and edifying. I have especially been enjoying the sermon series from Jeremiah and have found it to be a valuable resource as I teach through that book in my Sunday School class.

    I would really like to listen to the homiletics audio by Bryan Chapell, but the links don’t seem to be working. Is it just me or is it something on your end.

    Thanks for the hard work you do for us!

  19. Dean, my computer does that as well. After it comes up with the fail message, highlight your URL once more and hit return again. When my computer refreshes the audio then comes on.

  20. Go figure, works that way for me too! Thanks for the help and the wonderful resource.

  21. Excellent blog.. many thanks.. appreciate the links and the encouragement.

  22. Hi Colin,

    My name is Douglas, and I’m 17 years old. I’m a member of the Metropolitan Tabernacle Baptist Church here in London, and I just came across your blog. I’m hoping to go to seminary one day, so your blog is an inspiration. Grace and peace, brother

  23. Colin, thanks for your blog! I just began my studies in seminary here in the States at Southwestern Baptist Theological and look forward to gaining insight from your blog!

  24. thats for sure, bro

  25. Hi Colin,

    Still appreciating your blog. A favour, brother, could you change my link from biblicalpreaching.wordpress.com to the new URL biblicalpreaching.net – thanks so much!


  26. Sure Peter, will change that ….

  27. Hi Colin,

    Finding your blog a helpful reminder that Oak Hill is simply a means to an end, not the end itself.

    Look forward to being back in Edinburgh for the summer, especially having been reminded by the link from your blog not to wast it.

    See you soon,

    Psalm 61:2

  28. When I found your blog, I was interested to see that you’re originally from Glasgow. I’m also a Glaswegian. It was good to see a photo of Charlotte Chapel. I’ve never been to a service there. The mention of Charlotte Chapel did, however, bring back a distant memory. I met Derek Prime, in 1971, at a conference in at Netherhall Conference, Largs. I think he may have been preaching on 1 Peter 1:3. I have a recollection of a comment he made, comparing “living hope” (RSV) and “lively hope” (AV). I was greatly blessed by his ministry. When I returned to Glasgow and attended the evening service at Sandyford-Henderson, I was called to the ministry through the preaching of George Philip. He was preaching on Elisha taking up the mantle of prophetic ministry when Elijah was taken up to heaven. This was the challenge to bring God’s Word to the next generation. Now that I’m one of the older generation, it’s good to see a young man like yourself with the great ambition of being an “unashamed workman.” When I was studying for the ministry, I nearly went to New College. If I had come to Edinburgh, as a Church of Scotland candidate for the ministry and a member of Sandyford, I would probably have sat under the ministry of Jim Philip at Holyrood Abbey. I think, however, following my brief encounter with Derek Prime’s ministry, there would have been more than a few visits to Charlotte Chapel. As it happened, I decided – in the week the University began – to study at Glasgow. I never did visit Charlotte Chapel and haven’t visited Edinburgh very often (especially in recent years, since I left my first charge in Dunfermline where I served from 1980 to 1996). Thanks for setting me off on a trip down memory lane!! Your blog looks good. I’m going to add your blog to the list of “Other Blogs” at my blog and will visit it again.
    Every Blessing,

    • The link from my name won’t link now. I closed that blog. This comment should leave a link that will work.
      Best wishes for 2012.

  29. Hi Colin,
    Just stumbled across your blog, I don’t think we have met but I went to Charlotte for 10 years, while John Smuts and John Percival were there – just before you arrived I think. I’ve signed up to receive updates so looking forward to what’s to come. I’m in Dundee these days attending Central Baptist. Keep up the good work at Charlotte and say hello to Peter from me.

  30. Colin,

    I’m pastor of a Reformed Baptist church, Goodwood Baptist in Cape Town.
    Committed to expository preaching…know Mark Dever, having been to one of the ‘weekenders’ at his church.
    How do I sign up to this?

  31. We publish a church history magazine in the US called “Leben”. Our next issue will include an article about George Whitefield. I ntoiced that in your archive page you have a painting of Whitefield preaching. I am trying to get a copy of that painting. Do you know the source? Thank you for your help.

  32. […] Adams, soon-to-be pastor and blogger at Unashamed Workman, wrote about 8 Common Problems of Evangelism that churches face. […]

  33. […] Colin Adams from the Unashamed Workman has put together a list of 100 books that he would recommend as Pastor of his new church in Northern Ireland. The categories for his recommendations are below: […]

  34. Hi,

    I would like to share with you a good ebook that’s free to help pastors and their wives with discouragement and burnout. You can find it at: http://www.stoppastorburnout.com . It’s quite helpful.

    If you have pastor friends or even their wives, we are currently inviting pastors and pastor wives to join charter membership club for free for 2 months,you might want to share this with them. You may visit http://www.susandavidlifecoach.com/index.php/sponsors for more information.

    We would also like to invite you to view our video on this topic at

    Feel free to share this with your friends or people you care for.

    Also I would like to connect with you through;




    Susan David

  35. Dear Workman,

    May I ask you (and so many other reformed bloggers)to seriously consider removing ‘Team Pyro- Friend of Sinners’ logo from your Blogpage and to cease promoting Phil Johnson’s Team Pyro website which mixes some good theological material with much material which is crass, ridicules and is bullying/disrespectful of those with differing beliefs, and on occasion is simply blasphemous. Have you, for example checked out the ‘PyroWear’ section which containes the following by way of a few examples:
    -T-shirts with the following misuse of scripture on the front ‘they were filled with the Holy Spirit and all I got was this lousy t-shirt’
    -‘JESUS OR DIE’ motif on infant bibs and bodysuits
    -‘Chastity Athletics’ t-shirts for women with ‘Tell your wife about my shirt’ or ‘My husband bought this shirt’ written accross the chest (breast) area
    – ‘Phil Johnson is my Homeboy’, ‘Martin Lloyd jones is my Homeboy’ etc etc t-shirts (Phil Johnson may enjoy the self promotion but M L-J and other historic theologions and preachers would turn in their graves.)

    Surely it is time for you and other reformed bloggers to disassociate yourselves from this kind of stuff and the arrogant and God-dishonouring attitude which goes along with it. The truth should not be mixed with muck in this way and those who belive they have the truth should speak it in love and not in ridicule of others as is often the style of Mr Johnson and his blog.

    Meanwhile, thank you for your blog which, by way of contrast, I find very helpful.


    Dan Smith

  36. Colin,

    I wanted to say congratulations on your installation as the new Pastor of Ballymoney Baptist Church AND congrats on being the 64th most popular church blog in the world!

    I thoroughly enjoy visiting your blog and reading your insightful posts/links. Keep ’em up.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

    ~ Erik

  37. Colin,

    I appreciate your blog’s focus on preaching and have benefited from it.

    I’m a seminarian at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and was profoundly impressed with a recent special lecture titled “The Extemporaneous Mode of Preaching” by Dr. John Carrick (OPC). It’s a powerful address that compares this mode of preaching to other methods such as sermon reading and sermon reciting. Dr Carrick often calls to our attention such noble preachers as Dr Lloyd-Jones, Spurgeon, Broadus, Dabney, and more recent men such as Al Martin, to make his case.

    The lecture is located on Sermon Audio, here:

    I hope you’ll listen to it and give us your thoughts on it.

  38. Dear Colin,

    I have tried to email you several times today and the emails keep getting bounced back, because it says your box is full. Would you please email me with an address I can contact you at?


    Mark Rogers

  39. Hi Colin

    Greetings from Scotland. I trust that all is going well in your ministry there in Ballymoney and that you are conscious of the Lord’s enabling presence and grace. It’s good to keep ‘tabs’ on you via your blog.

    I was wondering if you can assist me with something. I am trying to draw up for the College students recommended book list for a small library for those starting out on ministry. You know, the essential commentaries, study books etc etc. I know MacArthur has one of about 750 books which is very big for this stage of things and also probably a bit out of date. I wondered whether you were aware of another list somewhere that I could access or even, whether through the medium of your blog, you could get suggestions from folk.

    Yours by grace

  40. Hi Colin

    Hope this isn’t cheeky using this forum for this and feel absolutely free to delete if you think it is. I am up blogging again with the same blog title but a different url – http://encouragingexpositoryexcellence.wordpress.com/
    so could you edit the link which you have kept on your link list – if you still want to link of course! Keep up the good work. Keep fanning the flame!

  41. Hi Colin, sorry to contact you here again but emails to the personal email address I have for you bounce back to me. I have had problems with wordpress so please note the correct new url for my new blog is wwww.encouragingexpositoryexcellence.co.uk

  42. Colin,

    I would like to gracious suggest you change Rev. Richard Phillips URL to his broadcast page, ApplyingGodsLivingWord.org. He is no longer in Florida and that link is broken. From his broadcast page, you can stream most of his edited messages, as well as download MP3s.


  43. Just found your blog today. THANKS!
    I would like to seek permission to translate an article or two for an Italian-language website, but your email listed here doesn’t work. Can you please contact me about permissions?

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