
Workman’s Toolbox

March 10, 2007

Find below some more links around the blogs, with a special eye for things preacher’s might appreciate. If you are new to Unashamed Workman, read here an explanation of the blog format.


* Rev David Murray, a Scot from Stornoway, with some classes on sermon preparation. (HT: David Reimer)
* Adrian Warnock asks: Must Expository Preaching Always Be A Series Preaching Through A Book?
* Josh Harris on his “sermon coaches”
* Tim Bridges on how William Perkins models a preaching to both “town and gown.”
* This looks like an interesting book: The Faithful Preacher: Recapturing the Vision of Three Pioneering African American Pastors.
* Martyn Lloyd Jones on Spurgeon: Are Sermon Series Compulsory?
* An excellent Walter Kaiser quote on how preaching should be both attractive and repelling.
* John Brand is on book review number nine (John Piper, Supremacy of God in Preaching) of book’s relating to preaching. If John achieves reading one preaching book a week, for a year, I will be most impressed!
* This looks like a great book soon to be released: Preaching the Cross, with contributors Mark Dever, RC Sproul, Al Mohler, CJ Mahaney, John Piper and others.

* I am almost in agony reading about such a mouth watering conference! If you are within geographical reach, go!
* Bob Kauflin with some sane advice on planning for Easter services.
* The latest Nine Marks Newsletter is available; the subject is elders.
* Mark Dever is interviewed about local church membership.
* Al Mohler on the Seduction of Pornography and the Integrity of Christian Marriage
* Justin Buzzard talks about a prudential practice for him: a Friday Sundown Shutdown.
* Find out how your church can legally use photos and images. (HT: David Reimer)

One comment

  1. Glad to see someone else is ‘speed-linking’ around the Christian blogosphere. I was trying to emphasize the importance of it in my post today.

    Good job!

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