
**New – Iain Murray Audio on The Puritans

December 4, 2008

I had the pleasure of attending the small meet that Michael mentions. By the way, Michael’s blog Knoxville, should be on your ‘reader.’

Back in early November a small group of pastors were treated to a visit by Iain Murray sharing about lessons we can learn from the puritans. We all found it extremely helpful and encouraging as we press on in ministry.

Download: lessons-from-the-puritans

What can we learn from them as key foci in the christian life?
1. The nature of true christianity/priority of the gospel – there must be a saving conversion to Christ
2. Necessity of a disciplined life (according to biblical pattern)
a. scripture reading/meditation
b. secret prayer
c. praise in prayer and song
d. watchfulness – keep short accounts with God
3. Sanctification of the Lord’s Day
4. The importance of unity
5. Fear of Roman Catholocism
6. Example of the power of the word of God preached

(it’s about an hour) Enjoy!

(HT: Knoxville)

One comment

  1. Thank you! I love getting my hands on every message that Iain Murray does. He’s a very wise and influential christian in our age. Do you know if he spoke anywhere else during his time in the US that may have available mp3’s?

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