
Workman’s Toolbox – Jan 6th 2007

January 6, 2007

As we draw to the end of the first official week of Unashamed Workman, its time to look around the blogs for things of interest to preachers:


* Steve Weaver tells us how we can download his sermons. He also continues his intriguing series on how he prepares sermons.
* Is it just me, or is Ed Young’s promise to launch a new sermon series by wrestling Hulk Hogan a little over the top? He’s serious.
* At the outset of a new year, Thabiti Anyabwile (with a little inspiration from Ligon Duncan) has an inspiring reflection for the new year especially aimed at pastors.
* Find here all of John MacArthur’s Grace to You sermons for 2006 – they are free, but you must register first. (HT: PJ Tibayan)
* A great quote courtesy of Expository Thoughts on why we should preach the Old Testament.
* Ryan Wentzel has some useful advice on how to listen to a sermon.

* I just love this post by Phil Johnston exposing the danger of taking a ‘balanced approach’ to every issue. Amen to cutting the tightrope!
* The new Reformation 21 is available with a focus on John Owen. (HT: The Conventicle)
* Over at Shepherd’s Scrapbook, Tony Reinke explains Humble Calvinism.
* The latest Nine Marks newsletter is now available: this month’s theme is friendship within the context of the church.
* Ligon Duncan reflects on preparation for corporate worship over at Together for the Gospel.
* Thabiti has two stimulating posts on the relationship between church and culture. (part one, part two)

* I have to link to my wife’s blog again. After all, she and her cohorts are Challies King for a Week.
* For those pastors who work with messy desks, here’s a post you’ll appreciate: Yes to mess. (HT: Justin Taylor)
* This newscaster clip has absolutely nothing to do with preaching, but is hilarious, whilst leaving you feeling sorry for the guy! (HT: Justin Taylor)
* At the outset of a New Year, John MacArthur helpfully groups Jonathan Edwards 70 resolutions into a more concise 10.

on the first week of daily postings on this blog, thanks to those who have linked to me and increased Unashamed Workman’s exposure:
– Justin Taylor: not once but twice!
Phil Johnson
Milton Stanley
Beginning with Moses
Expository Thoughts
Scriptorium Daily
Tim Challies!


  1. A great first week. Thanks.

  2. Colin,

    This blog is to preaching what ESPN is to sports! Keep up the good stuff.

  3. Colin,

    As a Pastor and one who stands firm on preaching the truths of the Word of God, your blog has become one of my favorites. I praise God for you and your work.

  4. thanks for your blogging. you’re providing some great helps to the rest of us.


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