
Unashamed Additions

February 15, 2007

On this week’s Workman Watch I want to draw your attention to some of the updates I’ve made to Unashamed Workman. Read on…


1. Workman on the Web – You don’t need to wait till Thursday rolls around to listen to some exemplary preaching. This link on UA’s sidebar takes you to a long list of preachers worth hearing. The page also includes links to some Classic Preaching in written form, as well as to a Rolling List of specific sermons. Also (if you’re interested!) I’ve added a link to the preaching audio from my own church. This is mainly a combination of my own preaching and that of our Senior Pastor, Peter Grainger.

2. Workman’s Reading List – This not only contains my personal recommmendations for preaching-pastors, but also links you to other lists, such as that of Master’s Seminary, Desiring God, and Nine Marks. Well worth a read before you shop.

3. Worktools – This is a section I’m slowly developing. The basic idea is to have online preaching helps (such as dictionaries, commentaries and the like) readily available to those preparing sermons. I’d especially appreciate any sites you’d recommend that would be worth adding to the list. Where do you go for assistance?


  1. Hi Colin
    Worth checking out the commentaries section on http://www.monergism.com as it has a hug array of material and further links to other commentary sources as well. Enjoying the blog- now staple reading although it constantly causes me to reflect on 2 Corinthians 2: 15-17 and my growing file of ‘sermons to weep over.’
    In Him

  2. I like the list of websites of great preachers. Do you know of any good expositions of Jonah? I cannot find a systematic expository example of preaching through Jonah. If anyone knows of one, please e-mail me. thanks.

  3. Hi Colin,
    These are great updates you’ve made. I’m thankful for what you’re doing with your blog.
    I agree with Scott, the Monergism site is worth linking too. You might also want to check out Theopedia.com.

  4. Thanks folks. I’ve added Monergism, Theopedia and BibleTools. Anything else?

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